My op finally came and went like a summer storm that leaves you shivering with flu. My right arm is currently in a sling. Sorry, a mother of a sling. This thing is so big, you could house a small family up in there. So imagine the comfort levels that correlate with lugging around something this bulky. Its like one of those aching fat zits smack, in the middle of your face that is un-pick-able. Speaking of squeezing zits, I no longer have the pleasure. Using just my left hand is not half as satisfying as the use of both index fingers.
As I type this, my left hand is cramping up. Something righty wouldn't dream of. I do have the use of my right fingers but the phone appears to be too heavy for the recovering digits. Also a sweaty armpit that can't be managed is hectically frustrating. I feel so helpless. This must be how old people feel. Just an uneducated, wholly prejudice estimation...
That's the post-op run-down. Well, the abridged version. Turns out that different surgeries can affect one in different ways. The last time I was in the theatre, a benign lump was removed from my breastisis. Right-side as well. That was a relative walk in the park.
This time, you have bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves involved. It's not nice. And when my body finally realised what had happened, I freaked out. I just started to cry for no good reason. Imagine you have been watching the saddest love story and the credits are rolling. That was me x 50! Twas incredibly surreal.
While my neighbour in the ward who had gone for a similar op was in high spirits and completely happy. Unlike me, she didn't have a near 'BALE OUT' moment. Her husband reckons that I was not emotionally prepared for the op and my post-reaction confirms as much.
My mom agrees. Remember, I was not too happy about the timing of the surgery considering my new job. I even thought of postponing it. Now that I am in the middle of recovery, I only wish to get over the next six weeks as quickly as possible.
Paul came to Pretoria, exclusively for me... More of that, later...
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