Physio amounts to somebody playing with your hair and inducing drowsiness. Now all I wanna do is sleep. But I also gotta go get my hair did. Plus this BMW [Baby-Making Weather] is making me hella apathetic.

So I'm drowsy n lazy, watching the Crime Channel. Things been like that the entire week. Haven't even been able to blog because the famous last words proved to be exactly that. Well sorta. Well for the most part.
Saw Shorty the other day and we spoke about Friday night. He pretty much expressed my concern as per my blog. Lol that would be assuming that he's been reading it. Coz the way he spoke about labels putting pressure on us was what I said. So I nodded fiercely wondering if we on the same page or if he jus read my blog and found the perfect excuse for some triflin behaviour.
Honestly I shouldn't be bothered by all this at the moment. Coz again, gots to study. But at the rate that I'm going, you'd swear I gots all the time in the world. So the official term for us is 'we're seeing eachother/dating exclusively'. Even if some nosy numbnut insists on asking if he is my boyfriend, I'll merely respond that 'we're seeing eachother'. BOOOORIIINGGG! Lol!
I think I'm just slightly annoyed coz I had begun wrapping my head around the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing. But clearly the fact that I brought it up in a sober setting shows that I was not completely comfortable.
Speaking of discomfort, the day before May Day, my sexual frustration had hit an all time high! All that anybody was talking about and doing was sexually related. Needless to say that I and my celibate state felt a lil cheated. I called him and for the first time, I told him how I was not coping. I expected him to snigger in the face of my three-month rule but he only had empathy for me and expressed feeling equally frustrated. That made me feel ten times better. My poor baby...
Maybe it's time, he said meekly... How about no, negro?! We are doing so well and to just give in to our urges would undo months of work... I dunno what the logic is but sex just results in complications and goodness knows that we have enough complications for Africa. Plus once you become sexually active, it's easy to just have a relationship that's centred around the nookie. Right now, we are forced to get to know eachother and see eachother for what we really are. Sex blinds you. So we gonna have to wait. Coz I wanna do this differently. I can get sex anywhere but goodness knows that we've worked at this. No point in screwing it up now... Yes, pun intended.
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