Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Day 28-34: One Week of Hell and Minimum Bliss...

Getting my drivers license proved to be a major highlight from last week. It happened on a Tuesday and by Thursday, things were already pear-shaped at work... I was having to learn that life can be hella unfair and that, that trusted adage still applies- its not about what you (can) do, it's about who you know....

Cue Kanye.... Wait til I get my money right.... At this stage of my career, I can't call in favours yet... Not that I roll like that but the world does so adapt or die?

I'd rather concentrate on what I can fix and change... Working hella hard to find accommodation near work so that I don't have to sit in traffic all morning... I'm hoping that I'll be able to spread my wings once I'm living in Joburg. Hopefully get started on that book...

So my work week pretty much sucked and then the weekend came and that was just filled with its own fair share of wtf!? On Friday, it was pouring and Cutie left early, much to my disappointment. Fridays are our thang...ya know... Then Saturday happened... Had an early shoot. Went shopping. Laid my eyes on the dopest kicks ever... The kind that Cutie would love... My heart said get them. My head reminded me that Cutie would probably not accept a random pair of shoes even if I had the perfect words to go with it... Such as... "new shoes for a new journey"... Cue the Johnny Walker sting- "Keep Walking"... But I got ahead of myself as usual... Not only did I not remember what size shoe he wears, I didn't wanna blow my cover so I got him size 8's- firstly coz they didn't have 7's in stock plus... If worst comes to worst- I have a brother and plenty male cousins... One of them surely wears an 8...

I got home n passed out... Driving can be hella exhausting... Especially as a newly licensed driver during my first weekend out with the car... woke up close to midnight. Woke up to my periods, missed calls, texts that couldn't come through coz of a lack of memory... Imagine the sheer irritation when Cutie said that he was not gonna see me despite being in the area. On top of that- turns out that he wears a size 7 Adidas and size 8 Nike... Let's jus say I didn't buy Nikes... I was hella unimpressed. So unimpressed that I needed a distraction bad... So we get ready to go out... As I'm leaving the parking space, I scrapped the car-door on my side against the concrete pillar... Twas hella surreal... What the hell am I gonna tell my mom?

Thank goodness for those new kicks that I "got" my brother... That should soften the blow... Man I hope they fit....well, they did! I guess that says a lot about my brother's genetics compared to Cutie's..lol! anyway....

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