Here we go again... it's another blog challenge... from last week actually...hektik weekend...but I will get this out...and I really want to do the "10 Things I Love about You"..especially in light of Valentine's Day...but before we get ahead of ourselevs..here's the Random Meme...
If I could sing, I would learn how to play the piano asap! And entertain guests with various Alicia Keys renditions...
In my kitchen cupboard lies a half-eaten box of Ceerios.. they are hella sweet, especially when floating in milk. I'm not as enthusiastic anymore.
On my desk is a reminder that I need to tidy up!
Image in my head -Cutie and I living happily ever after...
In the middle of my to do list is a profile that I should have completed a while ago. Oh and plenty emails that I've been meaning to respond to.
I am dreading Cutie's sabbatical. I'ma miss him like crazy. I wonder if I'll be disciplined enough not to fall into temptation.
Right now I want to respond to all my starred emails. The was done first coz it's the most fun and doesn't feel like work...
I think that moving to Randburg is gonna make me a fully-fledged adult..possibly very broke as well.
Going to sleep seems like a very good idea right now. Can't deal with that to-do list..but I must.. HELP!
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