Two words... FLAMIN' LAMBORGHINI! My Saturday was pretty much a blur because of a lil thing called alcohol... [insert 'Blame It on the a-a-a-al-alcohol' here!] and my crazy cousin, long lost cousin... Might I add.
We are so alike, it's insane. And yet because I've lived my life on this absurd tip, I ain't all that suprised to find someone like me who also happens to be family. It's all coming full circle.
As for my kryptonite or rather my krytonite-ee... [cue Mario] Because of his awesome-ness, day 26, my 23rd birthday was the best ever. Complete with some lesbo action, gay outbursts and of cos drunk managers... None of which I was privy to... Gotta love....
Funny story, I kept it together that night under his strict guidance. Meanwhile back in the real world my ex is flirting up a storm with every skirt on facebook. Yho! Nigga aint playin. I'm a lil annoyed but mostly infuriated with myself for not being able to be nonchalant about it. It's wack but I can't really get my back up about it cos we broke up. I still tuned him though. Much to his delight. Sargasmic! Actually come to think of it... He may actually be quite impressed with himself for managing to make me freak out. In fact, I have a feeling he planned it out that way... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... And I mean that with so much love...
So now that I won't be seeing 'my lover' [chuckle chuckle] as often.... I'm excited at the prospect of getting back into FOCUS! It's been fun, it's been real but I gotta get back on track. And I'm super psyched to do so.... Is it weird to think that God planned it this way... So that I could relax a lil... Have some fun... Breathe and stop... [cue Q-tip...Lol...] Either way... I feel revitalised and ready to face my 23rd year on Earth...
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