Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther could walk/ Martin Luther walked so that Barack Obama could run/ Barack Obama ran so that all the children could fly/ So I'ma spread my wings/ You can meet me in the sky...
The bad news: These very lyrics nearly cost me my phone at about 10 AM today. There I was, minding my own business, tryna update my fb status but it kept bouncing back coz the words were more than 160 characters. Hella frustrating. So I had to resort to the single most annoying thing on fb... Using SMS language... But because I was so moved by the words, I didn't mind butchering them for hip hop's sake!
Lil did I know, that beyond my mini-skirt, my furious typing had attracted the attention of opportunist criminals... I couldn't have noticed them though coz I also had Jay-Z blaring in my ears... Honestly, I ignored that lil voice that warned me that I had just entered Sin City (they aren't loitering... They are dealers and working women...) so I may wanna put my valuables away... But nooooooo....!
So Mr Man aka The Hustler walks up to me and puts his arm around me. I jump and turn my head up, expecting to see a familiar face but instead I was met with a scowling face, an extended hand and a bearly audible 'Tlisa' (Sotho for- 'Gimme that')! How about no?! By the time he had demanded my phone, I had already begun reacting (screaming) to his foreign grimy arm being around my neck. By the time I realised that he was audaciously tryna jack me by asking me for MY phone as though it was HIS phone (on some Derren Brown tip), I was way too annoyed with fb's damn restrictions and now a stranger's sticky slime on my back! Oh hell no! So I walked off and so did he, empty-handed, defeated, probably wishing that I hadn't been listening to music at the moment he struck.
It wasn't until I was a few feet away from the scene that I realised what had nearly occured. Then I was freaked. Couldn't believe I still had my phone. I mean he could've just grabbed it and ran but he was probably just dying to touch me. Lol! Goodness!
Oh yeah... I should've maced his ass. Which reminds me of what a friend once said about my Mace can. When I need it most, I won't even think about it. Besides, it would've taken forever to dig into my mother of a bag to find it.
If my phone had been taken, I wouldn't be alive to write this coz my moms would've blazed my ass! She's constantly on my case about how much time I spend mucking about on my phone especially in public, shopping malls, the street. She's often prophesised that someone is bound to snatch my phone!
Ever since my first phone in Grade Nine, I haven't been able to keep a phone. They always get jacked (even the brick classic Nokia 5110 which was merely substituting for another phone which had been stolen recently), mostly because of my lack of alertness. As much as my mom would revel in being right, she'd be more pissed at my inability to do better when I know better.
Bottom line, I got away with nearly screwing up my day-off. Didn't head to work because of this Taxi Drama. Instead I tackled all the things that I haven't been able to do because of my schedule. Got my hair did. I figure if this hairstyle doesn't get me a kiss... Then nothing will. My chauvanistic hairdresser said I should let him know how things progress coz he willing to help me out for a R50 fee! How about no!? Paid the the doctor a visit- the good news... I'm officially out the sling. Shorty tried to suprise me again today. Wasn't there to enjoy it. Sucky! Maybe tomorrow!? Let's see him try resist this... Two arms, hot hair, cute ass, stellar personality... Lol... Goodness... This is beyond sad!
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