Thursday, 12 March 2009

Day 40: Girl feelin boy...

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It's not everyday that I feel like The Bachelorette.... Much of the time, my various unplanned engagements with unavailable men has left me feeling like the desperate-for-love/damsel-in-distress but hella fiesty type that realises too late that she can't play Miss Independent and be one of the hopelessly needy contestants that are fallin for The Bachelor . Sometimes it hits you in a rush... Sometimes in waves... Either way you will cry...

Now feelin like the Bachelorette, that feels hella better. Coz you are the wanted NOT the wantee. Be the flame NOT the moths. The only bummer is that you don't know what's true and what's not. Does mr X really dig me or is he merely digging the thought of a challenge?

So Shorty is back in the picture with more swag than I can handle while Lover and I have painstakingly decided to cut our losses. While Footsie-Footsie dude omitted to tell me about his girlfriend. So Friday movies ain't happening.
I'm still pretty excited about Shorty despite my dismissive attitude following his 'lack of interest'. In fact, I get some mild heart-burn when I'm around him. Which isn't necessarily S.T... More butterflies... The innocent type that makes it feel like your insides are floating. It's nice... For the lack of a better word. When I compare it to the way Lover makes me feel.... Now that's S.T... On another level... The butterflies are electrocuted by the sheer electric chemisty between us. So that's the difference. Honestly, the S.T seems to lack the longevity, not that I would wish a swift death on my feelings for Lover. Jus sayin though...

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